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How does planet Earth work? An anatomy of nature for conservationists

by simon

#15/15 What is human?

How does planet Earth work?

Humans are animals. It’s that simple. Right back to that first marriage of convenience between two bacteria, our connection to solar energy is built into the cells of every animal on Earth. We are the living embodiment of evolution and the way our biosphere remains cool enough to support all life, including our own.

It’s no coincidence that indigenous people describe a force of nature and energy running through the planet. Our forebears were just as capable of understanding this inherent connection. Modern civilisation is only a few hundred years old, nowhere near long enough to have created a culture compatible with nature.

Our ancestors worked this out over tens of thousands of years and so must we.

Climate change is the signal that our debt to nature is overdue and our behaviour is already changing.

The remaining piece of the puzzle, that we haven’t quite accepted yet, is the role of wildlife. We need wildlife in order to have healthy ecosystems.

As far as our planet is concerned, humans are wildlife. But we are different, in that we are the first of our animal kind, to know where we are going wrong. So, we’re also the first to be able to do something about it.

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