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Amplification of energy

by simon

Amplification (of nutrients and energy). Animals consume plants and other animals and in doing so, reintroduce important energy-containing nutrients back into the environment, at even higher concentrations and in patches.

Amplification of energy is driven by migration and happens at every scale, from insects moving daily in and out of your vegetable patch, to African wildebeest herds and the seasonal oscillation of billions of songbirds flying between continents. Migrants will descend on areas of known and predictable seasonal influx of energy from plants, usually in spring, when the Sun’s energy boosts production through photosynthesis. The animals consume and recycle this energy at the location, prolonging the effect.

This action creates hotspots of activity, increasing the overall number of animals that benefit. It makes nutrients more available to the entire food chain and ensures there is enough left to support resident animals through winter.

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