Home » Wayag and Mount Pindito, how to discover the real Raja Ampat

Wayag and Mount Pindito, how to discover the real Raja Ampat

by simon

Of late, the market has been flooded with offers to cruise Raja Ampat. Most of these use images from Wayag, often with their vessels artificially photo-shopped into the bay. The truth is, this small archipelago is outside the marine park, and many of the vessels shown couldn’t enter the bay. If they are, they are putting the fragile ecosystem at risk. It wasn’t that long ago that the Caledonian Skye wrecked the reef at Kri Island, forcing the Indonesian government to ban all large cruise ships from the heart of Raja Ampat. Large ships aren’t immune to crashing into reefs and certainly can’t match the years of expertise plus safety record offered by local ships like Pindito. Wayag and Mount Pindito are famous landmarks. The mount (pictured in the foreground below) was so-named because our owner was the first to climb it. There are lots of famous landmarks and dive sites that he pioneered over thirty years ago.

Wayag and Mount Pindito, how to discover the real Raja Ampat
Pindito pictured anchored behind Mount Pindito. This is a real image (no photoshop). Ships larger than Pindito can’t safely enter this lagoon without putting the coral reef in jeopardy. Many of the images online are photoshopped and give the wrong impression. Large ships aren’t allowed into much of the heart of Raja Ampat after one famous small ship wrecked perhaps the most important reef on Earth.

Experience out of the ordinary

Before you visit Raja Ampat, you have no idea what to expect. If you travel with an ordinary cruise, you will have missed out on perhaps one of the most important experiences of your life. We have many guests who come back with us, to redo Raja Ampat having had a less than ideal experience on one of the ‘big white boats’.

Which begs the question, why would anyone wish to book an ordinary cruise at all, if your intention is to see Raja Ampat? You may not be able to get to the places we go. You certainly won’t be with an experienced crew or guides, to help you interpret the true value of what you’re seeing there.

Get in among it and you’ll feel its warmth and connect to the reef in ways you have not previously imagined possible.

Pindito was built to Lloyds of London passenger shipping standards and will probably outlast most metal cruise ships, by decades. It’s a safe and reliable ship, huge for its passenger compliment. It’s spacious, comfortable, has excellent hospitality and service, and a staff to guest ratio of 2:1. This ratio isn’t just about providing service, it’s about ensuring we can operate safely and efficiently.

Most importantly, we can take you to places that no-one else knows about. We can deliver you the experience you are looking for … assuming you share our curiosity for adventure.

Wayag and Mount Pindito, how to discover the real Raja Ampat
A Hawksbill turtle over reef at Wayag.

Climbing Mount Pindito in Wayag

Mount Pindito, discovered by Edi Frommenwiler, is part of the Coral Triangle. It’s not in the national park but it is part of a region that is the most important marine system on Earth. Climbing the mountain isn’t for everyone though … it’s quite steep! The reefs that surround here are stunning but the increasing number of vessels trying to enter the lagoon are starting to damage some of the coral there. The area is though to be an important breeding ground for manta rays.

Wayag and Mount Pindito, how to discover the real Raja Ampat

Discover the true importance of Raja Ampat

My first book Wildlife in the Balance centres on the experience. Guests that join me, learn about this extraordinary area and what it means to our lives.

My advice? If you’re thinking of a visit to this region, don’t settle for second best. You have the opportunity to travel with the pioneers, to experience something truly life-affirming with life-minded people.

I’m always up for a chat as well. This is an important place and deserves our appreciation beyond just a landscape passing by through the portholes of a dining room. Get in among it and you’ll feel its warmth and connect to the reef in ways you have not previously imagined possible.

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